San Marcos Bail Bond Store Blog

A $50,000 bail is nearly impossible for you to pay to secure your loved one's bail because by the time you're able to get your hands on $50,000, the trial...

Now is the time to be fully aware of the new hoverboard laws in California, especially if you currently own one or plan to in the near future. These laws...

You're well aware that an arrest can be difficult for family members to bear with, but have you considered how your situation and absence can affect your young children? Young...

There has been a lot of chatter in the last few months regarding gun control. And because the topic is gun control, there will never be any laws that will...

During a defendant’s trial period, it’s not (always) fair to keep the defendant in custody. He or she has technically not yet been formally found guilty. To keep fairness (while...

Each state has different gun laws. California is known to have stricter laws than most other states. Here are some: To buy a handgun, you must be 21 years old. You...

Understanding bail and bail bonds is probably one of the last things on your mind. It’s not like you are saving up money throughout your years specifically for bail. But...

Don’t give a judge any more reason to be harsher with you than he or she will be. You want the judge to take you seriously. And you’ll want to...