As you research for a bail bond company to help you out during this stressful time, you are, of course, going to be looking out for a company who is...
As you research for a bail bond company to help you out during this stressful time, you are, of course, going to be looking out for a company who is...
NO MONEY AT ALL? We are still here for you! People are usually turned down by other bail bonds companies because other companies can’t be as flexible as us with payment...
Do not let your friend or family member’s life get put on hold just because he or she got arrested. Do your friend a favor, and bail him or her...
Everyone needs help once in a while, even the people closest to you. If you have a friend or family member who was recently arrested, then you may need help...
If a friend or family member has found themselves in the unfortunate position of being arrested in California, you will want to find a bail agent that can help. That...
When a friend or family member gets arrested, you want to get them bailed out of jail as quickly as possible. The thought of your loved one sitting alone, or...
If you just received a distress call from a friend or family member who was arrested, do not ignore the plea for help. Your loved one is in dire need...
A tax refund is the difference between the taxes that an individual has paid and the taxes that the individual owes. There are times when individuals will need to pay...
The Rights Of Arrested Individuals Just because someone commits a crime, gets caught, and gets arrested doesn’t mean they lose all their rights and become defenseless. Arrested individuals earn some rights...
We at Carlsbad Bail Bond Store are firm believers in giving everyone a second chance and we hope you share that same support as we do. Mistakes happen and humans...
Some people may think that bail bonds are only for those who cannot afford to pay for bail on their own. They cannot quickly come up with x amount of...
Imagine you have been arrested for a crime. Your trial doesn’t begin for 2 weeks. During these two weeks, the police and investigators look for evidence and try to figure...
The more prevalent social media becomes in our everyday lives, the more cautious we have to be with what we post on it. Something you post can incriminate you without...
Agreeing to help pay for a loved one’s bail bond payments is a huge responsibility, whether you’re paying only a portion or the whole thing. Not only do you have...
A $50,000 bail is nearly impossible for you to pay to secure your loved one's bail because by the time you're able to get your hands on $50,000, the trial...
Now is the time to be fully aware of the new hoverboard laws in California, especially if you currently own one or plan to in the near future. These laws...
You're well aware that an arrest can be difficult for family members to bear with, but have you considered how your situation and absence can affect your young children? Young...
An arrest within a family can very easily tear family members in opposite directions, there is no doubt about that. Some will immediately do what they can to help and...
We know that using your tax refund towards a bail bond payment is not how you initially envisioned using this money, but do know that it is a very good...
There has been a lot of chatter in the last few months regarding gun control. And because the topic is gun control, there will never be any laws that will...
When you call Santee Bail Bond Store at 760-940-0933, don’t expect a draining conversation with an automated message where you’re asked to keep pushing numbers to try and resolve your...
During a defendant’s trial period, it’s not (always) fair to keep the defendant in custody. He or she has technically not yet been formally found guilty. To keep fairness (while...
A bail bond is a non-refundable payment to a bail agent and company that gets a person out of jail. This person has not yet stood trial; bail bond releases...
Before you go spending your tax return on new clothes and alcohol, think about your financial commitments first. Rent. Groceries. Credit card payments. Loans. Bills. Insurance. Even bail bond payments....