04 Nov It Is Time for You to Realize Your Importance
As we grow up, we typically learn that role models are generally people who are older than ourselves. They have had more life experience and so they have a better understanding of how to handle situations. They supposedly have more success than those who are younger. However, role models are not limited to those who are older than another person. A role model can be anyone at any age, to another person at any age. A 15 year old can be a role model to his 20 year old brother. We bet you would automatically assume the opposite.
Most 20 year olds should be in college and starting to really plan their life. They know right from wrong and should know when to avoid trouble. Fun is definitely allowed, but to a degree. Being careless and stupid should not be allowed.
But not all 20 year olds are perfect. Some make mistakes. Some do not have their lives as put together as others. At the same time, they recognize this bad habit and want to turn their lives around. The best way they know how to do that, is by looking up to their 15 year old sibling who is their better half. The one who performs well in school and manages to healthily balance a social life too. They seem to know exactly what they want in life, and how they are going to get it. The 20 year old is going to start making his or her life right, and that starts by taking points from their younger sibling, their role model.
The point of this is to show that everyone carries an important purpose in life and they may not realize it. They may not realize how much they mean to another person, or how much their actions might encourage or discourage the actions of others.
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