26 Oct Now You Can Afford To Pay for Bail
Did you know that your loved one’s ability to post bail may rest in your hands? Bail is expensive, and can be very hard for one person to post alone. They may need your help to get through this.
You should contact Lemon Grove Bail Bond Store before you get too concerned because we will be the first to tell you that you will not need to pay 100% of the bail to get your loved one out. We can get you a bail bond, which is an alternative way to post bail for someone.
Paying for a bail bond is much easier than paying for a bail. You will be set up on a customized payment plan, and the sum of all of your payments will equate to 10% of the full bail amount. Cash, checks, credit, and debit are all acceptable forms of payment. Plus we have a secure online payment portal.
Now paying for your loved one’s bail is easier and more affordable.