bailing out a loved one Tag

It is no secret that a significant percentage of California residents are made up of immigrants. In Los Angeles alone, there are an estimated 800,000 undocumented immigrants, many of whom...

Your best friend is someone that you can count on to always be there for you when you need help. You know that no matter what, your friend will do...

America has seen days of protests since Donald Trump became the President Elect on November 9, 2016. Americans have the right to assemble and protest, but then why are some...

With Donald Trump as our new President Elect, many immigrants across country have worries about their safety and status. Unfortunately, we do not have any answers as to what the...

America has seen days of protests since Donald Trump became the President Elect on November 9, 2016. Americans have the right to assemble and protest, but then why are some...

In a state where gun laws are already considered among the most restrictive in the country, the majority of voters just agreed to make it even more so. California voters...

The holidays are filled with many small, intimate, family-only traditions, such as cookie decorating, caroling, opening a gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Day. You adore and...

Social media is our best friend, but little do we realize that it can be our worst enemy too. We share photos and exchange words with social media multiple times...

In a state where gun laws are already considered among the most restrictive in the country, the majority of voters just agreed to make it even more so. California voters...