What Happens When You Do Not Post Bail?

San Marcos Bail Bond Store

What Happens When You Do Not Post Bail?

San Marcos Bail Bond Store

Spending an unknown amount of time in jail. Being away from family and friends. Being out of a job and a steady income. Sleeping in uncomfortable beds in an unwelcoming jail cell with unfriendly inmates.

This is your loved one’s life when they cannot post bail, quite a stark contrast to the comfortable life they had before they were arrested. In fact, it is huge contrast to the comfortable life they can have again if they post bail.

We understand that paying for bail is not the easiest thing to do alone. That is why we here at San Marcos Bail Bond Store pledge to provide you with a bail bond and an acceptable payment plan to go along with it. When you use San Marcos Bail Bond Store, you pay 90% less than what you would be paying for a cash bail.

Lay out your concerns and get your questions answered with San Marcos Bail Bond Store. We will bring your loved ones home where they are safe and comfortable. Speak with us online, or on the phone at 760-940-0933.